Hi Beautiful!

My name is Kelly

I’m a Messaging & Visibility Coach for moms who want to learn how to market their coaching business without posting content 24/7.



Get started

I remember the moment I decided to stop posting content 24/7 to grow my business.

❌ I stopped being present 24/7 online… checking my phone every few seconds!

❌ I stopped sacrificing my family time for my business…

❌ I stopped ‘hustling hard!.. just to get by

❌ I stopped ’10x-ing’ my work rate and putting in long days…

…sleepless nights…

And still getting up at 6 am to prepare to homeschool my kids

❌ And I stopped trying to be superwoman..

I saw the truth about what it takes to be a successful female entrepreneur online…

And it’s not what you’ve been told…

It’s likely completely the opposite!

See, let me take you back a few years.

Back then my husband and I decided that I should  retire from corporate America to homeschool our kids…

It was rewarding and I loved seeing my children thrive in a safe supportive environment but…

I knew I had more to give.

Before coming home to be with our kids I was a high-achieving successful contributor in corporate America.

I missed the feeling of satisfaction I got from using my God-given gifts and talents to support a team and grow a company.

Then our oldest daughter got engaged…

I realized that as my kids got older, my home would eventually be empty and the countless conversations, corrections and nonstop activities that consumed my days would all be gone…

It was a wake up call for me…

l’d heard of people making great money online working ‘4 hour work weeks’

So I watched video after video and decided to use the skills I had to launch a business.

I was excited about the potential and I dreamed of how the additional income would allow our family to travel, pay off our mortgage and enjoy more of life without the burden of living on a single income

So I watched all the videos, bought courses, started posting content

And did ALL the things

Weeks went by with little to show…

So I invested in more training…

Months went by and I STILL wasn’t further forward…

Before I knew it –

I was working harder than ever before

And earning less money than l’d ever made.

I felt like a failure…

I felt like I wasn’t cut out to be an entrepreneur.

Like I somehow wasn’t good enough.

And the shame of telling my husband for yet another month that I didn’t make any money was almost too much to handle.

Worst of all…

…..even when I was with my family I was constantly checking my phone or ‘thinking about my business’

How could I justify so much work, with so little return???

So I’d commit to fixing it..

Which meant doing even MORE work.

I felt trapped and at the end of yet another long day with little to no revenue to show for it, I realized that…

Showing up on 3 different platforms

Launching 4 different offers

Posting 3-5x a day

DMing strangers

Commenting in FB groups

…was no longer sustainable for me and wasn’t the life I wanted to live.

I started really looking at the people teaching these methods and I realized that they didn’t have the commitments I had.

They didn’t have to manage the business, the house and the kids…

They didn’t have to make sure a nutritious dinner was on the table…

l had been listening to ‘experts’ and then trying to do


…in the process tying myself up in knots…

And growing more and more unhappy…

So I just STOPPED.

And instead focused ONLY on the areas that were getting me the best results.

I outlined a simple system and worked on it little by little.

A few days later it was all done!

Then I did something radical..

I took some time off…

And I loved it!

The next week I came back refreshed…

My energy improved…

My confidence was back…

My creativity skyrocketed..

And at the end of the next month – so had my bank balance.

There was…

No late night hours..

No struggling to manage my kids while replying to the umpteenth comment that went nowhere…

No awkward chats to my husband about how well it was going…

No more sacrificing family time…

And as the months went by I started seeing incredible results in my business

I started increasing my revenue – all while working way less hours!

That’s when I decided to pivot my business to help other women ditch the content creation hamster wheel and earn more money in less time in their business so they can spend time with their families, making memories and doing things that matter.

Here’s the reality…

You get to choose.

You are the master of your own destiny…

You can make your business work for you

(not the other way around)

And enjoy the revenue that comes from doing so.

This isn’t about making mega-bucks that require huge sacrifices to work…

And it’s not about fancy cars…

…Giant mansions…

… Or flying on a private jet.

This is about real women like you –

Growing a sustainable business, taking back control of your life.

..and getting incredible results doing so!

That is my prayer for you, friend.

I know you already have the ability to do it…so are you ready?

Create a business you love

and live a life of financial and time freedom!


For the female business owner who wants a custom strategy session to focus on 1 topic of choice


For the female business owner who wants ongoing support and a complete strategy to get to the next level

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