
Hey my friend! If you’re reading this you probably fall into 1 of these categories:

  • You’re a Christian entrepreneur and you’re struggling to understand exactly what you need to “put out there” to attract clients
  • You heard that consistency is key, but you’re discouraged because your consistent efforts aren’t translating to many leads or clients
  • You’re sick and tired of second guessing yourself and you just want a strategy that will help you hit your goals as fast as possible
  • You know that doing the same thing month after month and expecting different results is the definition of insanity and you know you need to do things differently but you don’t know what or how!

If this is you, I understand! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.  I was never a fan of social media  and I spent WAYYYYYY too many hours trying to figure everything out by myself before I launched this business.

Instead of using that time perfecting my offer, connecting with my ideal client or making sales, I was wasting time going back and forth between what the gurus said I needed to do. It was time-consuming, inefficient, and left me with way more questions than answers.  I’m guessing you can relate!
So I made some changes. I figured out ‘who’ I needed to help me reach my goals then ‘what’ I needed to reach them came immediately after!  I was able to eliminate the horrible Imposter Syndrome and Comparisonitis that keeps struggling coaches and consultants from realizing their dreams!
You’re No Different!

Change Your Thoughts

Change Your Actions

Change Your Life

Answer “Yes” to All That Apply:

​​Are you overwhelmed and tired of consistently posting content on social media without any reward for your efforts?
Do you feel like you’re doing “all of the things” but nothing is getting you any closer to your goals?
​Are you sick of the hustle and grind and want a strategy that doesn’t include missing out on family time or being glued to your phone?
​Do you want to attract aligned, dream clients who value your knowledge and are willing to pay a premium to work with you?



what your business would look like if you knew exactly what you needed to attract your dream clients, trust yourself and show up with confidence?

Get started

Working with Kelly has been such an amazing experience. When I first started working with her, I had resistance around using social media and how to put myself out there. My mindset has been completely shifted and…I also feel much more clear on who my target audience is. Kelly is generous with her knowledge, she makes sure that you understand the concepts and the way she structures her program gives you a step by step guide to figuring out your approach.

Kira W.

Kelly has a lot of expertise in knowing how business and social media marketing works, I feel even more confident now in my niche and who my ideal client is and how I am speaking to my ideal client when using social media.

Jess A.

Working with Kelly was an amazing experience for me. The training encouraged me to take a deeper look at my value proposition and how I communicate to my audience who are my potential clients.
Kelly is knowledgeable on her topic and she provides extra support and encouragement.

Sherida S.

This mentorship program is a comprehensive, next level program for Christian coaches and consultants who are ready to refocus and refine their business strategy in order to grow and scale their business.

If you qualify for the program, you & I will work together (as partners!) to make sure every aspect of your business not only aligns with who you are, but does so in a way that isn’t overwhelming and helps you reach your financial goals!!

This includes things like…

      • Using your talents & experiences to create your irresistible offer 
      • Refining your messaging to start attracting aligned clients
      • Getting crystal clear on exactly what you need to be doing in order to get in front of your ideal clients & reach your financial goals
      • Raising your prices with confidence & conviction
      • … plus anything else that comes up along the way!

Let me help you ditch the content creation hamster wheel and show you how to get more clients and have more impact.

If you are ready to invest in your future & get started, click the button  below to schedule a call & tell me all about your business, goals & vision for working with me.

On the call I’ll share with you how I can best help you.  I work with clients privately in 3-6 month containers starting with a VIP Day.  After learning more about you and your goals, I’ll tell you what would be the best fit for you.

If  we both agree and you’re READY to finally get the clarity and strategy you need, your next step will be walking into your best, most NEXT LEVEL season of your entire business!

Click the button below and let’s talk!

Let's Talk