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As a female entrepreneur with a service-based business, a signature offer is exactly what you need to attract clients and reach your revenue goals. 

But, before we discuss why you should have a one, let’s examine what a signature offer actually is.

What is a Signature offer? 

A signature offer is the unique system or process you create that provides your clients with a pathway towards transformational results.  A signature offer provides your clients with the highest level of transformation and positions you as the expert in your niche.

No matter where you are in your business, having a signature offer will help you get further faster. Signature offers can be thought of as your calling card in that it speaks directly to your program promise. 

For example, if I’m a wellness coach and my program promise is to help you lose 10 pounds and kick your sugar addiction once and for all.  My signature offer could be a 12 week program that includes everything I know my clients need to successfully achieve the purpose of my program. If I have other services that speak to my program promise, the transformation my clients receive is not as comprehensive.

The most crucial item to note is that your signature offer should include your unique processes, but it should still solve a common problem. With your signature program, you are getting people results with your intellectual property in a way that no other service provider or program can do based on your knowledge and experience. 

Eliminate Competition

There are thousands of service providers that do exactly what you do.  This is why it is so vitally important that you infuse your personality, knowledge and experience into the presentation of your signature offer.  Sharing your story and helping your audience understand why your unique system works is the key to being a stand out brand. Doing this successfully, eliminates your competition.

Your ideal clients will be attracted to your genius, hear your offer and want to join you.  When you focus on providing your signature service infused with your unique slant and delivered in your unique way, your competition disappears. But that can only happen if you tell your story and use your voice.  No one else can do what you do the way you do it. This is the genius in you that you can leverage to eliminate competition.

Earn More Money 

When structured correctly, a signature offer allows you to enroll multiple people in a single program, without creating more work for you in the process.  Because you are serving them at the highest level, your clients will get incredible results, and you will get fantastic feedback and happy clients equal referrals.

With a signature offer, you have a proven pathway that gets results every time. Now you can charge for the value of the transformation not for the number of hours you spend with your clients. For example, if your signature offer is a 1:1 program, and this is your highest level of transformation, you could charge a premium price for the level of value you are providing.  Or if your signature offer is a highly transformational group program, which is more scalable than a 1:1 offer, this program should be the most expensive on your value ladder. 

What’s more, after repeatedly delivering this signature service, your content and delivery will be entirely optimized. Your offer will become much more efficient, and that will also make it more profitable. 

Ready to Create & Launch Your Signature Offer?

Join The Waymaker Mastermind! Each week I’ll take you and the other powerhouse female coaches and consultants in the program step-by-step to learn how to create & launch your signature offer using a virtual event.

I want to empower you to own your expertise with confidence & clarity. The WayMaker Program shows you how to master your messaging, create connections and conversations that get you visible and systematizes your processes so you can do it effortlessly and on repeat.

The best part is that once you learn the Align To Attract system, you can repeat it for all your future offers. 

No matter where you are in your business, establishing a signature service can bring in more revenue and give you more time.  Whether you choose to do it on your own or invest in a program to get you there faster, consider creating a signature program today.

Kelly Thompson

Kelly Thompson is a messaging and visibility coach who helps female coaches & consultants master their message, generate leads and make money by selling high value offers without being chained to social media.  She is a wife, mother of 4 and 13 year homeschool mom, author, speaker and host of the Genius In You podcast.  If you'd like to learn how to get more clients, have more impact and make more money using virtual events, sign up for the free training at