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Have you ever struggled to decide what to charge for your services?

Whether to charge higher or lower prices for your services?

While the temptation to keep your prices low may be tempting, research shows that charging a premium price can actually increase client commitment and lead to better results for both you and your clients.

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. High prices signal value

When you charge a high price for your coaching services, it signals to your clients that your services are valuable. In fact, a study by the University of California found that people actually perceived the same product to be of higher quality when it was priced higher.

By charging a premium price for your coaching, you’re telling your clients that you believe in the value of your services and that they should too. This can lead to increased trust and commitment from your clients, as they will be more likely to take your advice seriously and follow through with your recommendations.

  1. High prices attract committed clients

Research has shown that when people invest more money into a product or service, they are more likely to be committed to using it. This is known as the “endowment effect,” and it suggests that people are more likely to value something that they have paid a lot of money for.

By charging high ticket prices for your service, you’re attracting clients who are serious about making a change in their lives. These clients are more likely to be committed to the coaching process and willing to put in the effort required to achieve their goals. This means that you will have a higher success rate with your clients and be able to build a stronger reputation as a coach.

  1. High prices lead to better results

When clients are invested in the coaching process, they are more likely to take action and see results. In fact, a study by the International Coach Federation found that clients who were highly committed to the coaching process had better outcomes than those who were less committed.

Charging premium prices for your coaching can increase client commitment, which in turn can lead to better results for your clients. This can help you build a stronger reputation as a coach and attract more high-paying clients in the future.

  1. High-ticket prices allow you to provide higher quality coaching services

When you charge high-ticket prices, you have the resources to invest in yourself as a coach and provide even higher quality coaching services to your clients. This could include attending workshops, hiring a mentor or coach of your own, or investing in better technology or resources.

By investing in yourself, you are also investing in your clients and their success. This is because when you improve your own coaching skills and knowledge, you are better equipped to help your clients achieve their goals.

5. Higher prices allow for more personalized attention

When you charge high ticket prices, you can afford to give your clients more personalized attention. This can include more one-on-one time, customized resources, and other perks that can help your clients feel supported and ensure their success.

So if you’re on the fence about raising your prices to match the value you provide, do it! Charging high-ticket prices means higher client commitment, higher quality services and better outcomes for your clients. And there’s nothing wrong with that!

Kelly Thompson

Kelly Thompson is a messaging and visibility coach who helps female coaches & consultants master their message, generate leads and make money by selling high value offers without being chained to social media.  She is a wife, mother of 4 and 13 year homeschool mom, author, speaker and host of the Genius In You podcast.  If you'd like to learn how to get more clients, have more impact and make more money using virtual events, sign up for the free training at