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As a solopreneur, collecting data is probably the least intuitive and enjoyable part of your business. However if you have a limited amount of time and resources (which most of us do!) it should be at the top of your todo list!

Too often we make decisions reactively based on what feels right at the moment instead of taking the time to analyze the information and results we’ve gotten so far.

These kinds of emotional reactions sometimes lead to decisions that may not be in the best interest of your business.

In contrast, data-driven decision making provides an objective view of a situation, free from the biases and emotions that can cloud your judgment.

By analyzing data, you can identify trends and patterns that can inform your decisions. This accuracy can help you identify what’s working and what needs improvement, allowing you to make better decisions in the future.

Let’s talk about the top 5 metrics to track in your marketing as a solopreneur.

  1. Website Traffic

Your website is the foundation of your online presence, so it’s important to track the traffic it receives. Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic and see how users interact with your site. By tracking metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and session duration, you can identify which pages are performing well and which ones need improvement. Use this data to optimize your website content and improve the user experience.

Action-oriented tip: Set up a Google Analytics account and track your website traffic regularly. Identify which pages are performing well and which ones need improvement. Use this data to optimize your website content and improve the user experience.

  1. Conversion Rate

Your website traffic is only valuable if it leads to conversions. A conversion can be anything from filling out a contact form to making a purchase. By tracking your conversion rate, you can see how many of your website visitors are taking the desired action. This metric is especially important if you’re running paid advertising campaigns, as it allows you to determine the ROI (return on investment) of your campaigns.

Action-oriented tip: Set up conversion tracking in Google Analytics or your website platform. Identify which pages or campaigns are driving the most conversions and optimize them to improve your conversion rate.

  1. Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

As a solopreneur, you likely have a limited budget for your marketing efforts. This is why it’s important to track your cost per acquisition (CPA). CPA measures the cost of acquiring a new customer or lead. By tracking this metric, you can identify which channels and campaigns are the most cost-effective for your business.

Action-oriented tip: Set up tracking for your marketing campaigns and calculate your CPA for each channel. Identify which channels are delivering the most cost-effective leads and allocate more resources to those channels.

  1. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

The customer lifetime value (CLV) is the total amount of revenue a customer will generate over the course of their relationship with your business. This metric is important because it allows you to understand the long-term value of your customers and make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.

Action-oriented tip: Calculate your CLV and use it to inform your marketing strategy. For example, if you have a high CLV, you may be willing to invest more in customer acquisition because you know that each new customer will generate a significant amount of revenue over time.

  1. Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting potential customers into leads. By tracking your lead generation metrics, you can determine the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns in generating new leads for your business. Metrics such as lead volume, lead quality and lead source can give you valuable insights into the success of your lead generation efforts.

Action-oriented tip: Set up lead generation tracking in your CRM or marketing automation software. Identify which lead sources and campaigns are driving the most high-quality leads for your business. Use this data to optimize your lead generation strategy and increase your ROI.

In conclusion, as a solopreneur, it’s important to focus on the metrics that matter most for your business. By tracking website traffic, conversion rate, CPA, CLV, and lead generation, you can optimize your marketing strategy and maximize your return on investment.

Make data analysis a priority and remember to use the data to inform your decisions.

Kelly Thompson

Kelly Thompson is a messaging and visibility coach who helps female coaches & consultants master their message, generate leads and make money by selling high value offers without being chained to social media.  She is a wife, mother of 4 and 13 year homeschool mom, author, speaker and host of the Genius In You podcast.  If you'd like to learn how to get more clients, have more impact and make more money using virtual events, sign up for the free training at