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“Things don’t happen. Things are made to happen.” – Thomas Jefferson

From as early as kindergarten, we are taught the importance of learning.

We learn how to sit, how to read, how to write. We learn how to learn.

And after we learned what we needed to learn, we learn how to recite what we learned.

We take quizzes and tests to prove that we learned what we were supposed to learn.

We learned a lot of things.

What we didn’t learn was how to act.

Taking action is the most important step because it’s with action that you get to use what you learned. And action is crucial when it comes to building your business!

Have you been reading every marketing blog post you can find?  Are you watching Youtube videos, and following influencers to ‘learn’ how to market your business?

Have you taken free or almost free courses to help you get on the right track?

Ok, now how much of that have you put into practice?

My guess is probably less than a quarter of what you learned.

Why? Because we’ve been taught to learn, to research but not to act and it’s hindered us from growing and becoming who we were meant to be.

You can’t get good at something if you don’t do anything.

Success takes action.

I don’t know who came up with the term starting before you’re ready but when it comes to building your business, there’s never been a more accurate phrase!

Here are 5 reasons why you need to take that advice:

Reason #1 – There Will Never Be A Perfect Time

The truth is, there will always be a reason not to chase your dreams or work on your goals.

All day long you’re busy with the never-ending demands of daily life.

You get home in the evening and the last thing you want to do is figure out how to create social media content to attract your ideal clients. But that’s the problem.

There will never be a time that you won’t have something else to do. Successful people make time to do the things necessary to grow their business.

Reason #2 – Mistakes Are The Best Teacher

Someone said that mistakes are proof of doing and I agree!

If you’re not making mistakes, you’re probably not doing much.

When you’re building a business, there are some things you are just going to have to walk through yourself. In walking through it, you will mess it up. And that’s ok. It’s those mistakes that will teach you how to get to the next step. 

Those mistakes will also make you relatable to other entrepreneurs you come across in your journey because we’ve all made mistakes. Trust me.

Reason #3 – You’ll Find Your Natural Gifts

News flash – You will not be great at everything. Nope.

There will be some things – even a lot of things that you simply won’t know how to do and won’t even enjoy doing.

But guess what? As you learn what you’re good at (and not good at!) you’ll have the opportunity to focus on those gifts.

You can then use those gifts to serve others in the form of a marketable offer.

Reason #4 – Acting Creates Momentum

An object in motion stays in motion – Newton’s 1st Law of Motion (I loved my high school physics class!). The same way your action will create the momentum to keep going. One single act will lead to another, then another.

Once you start moving in the direction of your goals, it will be harder to stop.

Reason #5 – Growth is On The Other Side of Your Comfort Zone

I love my comfort zone. Who doesn’t? But you will never grow in your comfort zone.

It’s comfortable because it doesn’t challenge you. The dead zone is probably a better name honestly.

Because in there, you don’t grow or change one bit.

On the complete opposite side of the comfort zone is growth which is usually sitting right next to fear. It’s hard to willingly step out of your comfort zone into a place that will challenge you to change.

But if you want to enjoy the excitement you feel at the end of the ride, you have to be willing to sit down and buckle up.

I’m definitely a start before you’re ready person.  But don’t get me wrong, I haven’t always been this way. 

It is definitely hard at times to push myself out of my comfort zone. 

But I can tell you I’ve seen many advantages to taking this advice when it comes to growing my business.

What about you? Are you a believer in starting before you’re ready?  Comment below or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!

Kelly Thompson

Kelly Thompson is a messaging and visibility coach who helps female coaches & consultants master their message, generate leads and make money by selling high value offers without being chained to social media.  She is a wife, mother of 4 and 13 year homeschool mom, author, speaker and host of the Genius In You podcast.  If you'd like to learn how to get more clients, have more impact and make more money using virtual events, sign up for the free training at