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Social media is the cheapest way to get coaching clients. Or is it?

Well it depends on what you value more – time or money.

If you’ve been frustrated with the post and pray strategy, there may be some very valid reasons why. Not the least of which is the enormous amount of time it takes to plan, post and analyze the results of your efforts.

There is definitely a place for social media in an effective marketing plan, but relying on it as the main way to attract and convert clients is not the best approach for your business.

Here are some reasons why:

Limited Reach

When you post content on social media, it reaches only a limited number of people who follow your profile. Even if you have tens of thousands of followers, only a small percentage actually see your posts in their feeds.

This is because social media algorithms prioritize posts from people you engage with frequently (like family and friends) over those from businesses.

What’s more, if you have a small number of followers who engage with your content, the algorithim is less likely to push your content out to be seen by a large number of new people.

So even if you put a lot of effort into creating it, your content still might not reach your target audience.

Mismatched Intentions

Another problem with relying on social media to attract clients for your business is that people scrolling online are not necessarily looking for your services when they’re browsing their feeds.

They may be looking for entertainment, news, or to connect with friends. So, your content isn’t their top priority at that moment.

This can lead to people quickly scrolling past your post without engaging with it or taking any action.

Low Engagement

Even if your content does get seen by your followers or other users, there’s no guarantee they will engage with it. Social media users often skim through their feeds, picking out content they find interesting or relevant.

If your not skilled in creating content that grabs attention within the first few seconds, your audience will quickly move on to the next post.

Competitive Atmosphere

Social media is crowded with other businesses all vying for attention. This means there’s a lot of noise in the marketplace, and it can be hard to stand out among others in your niche.

Unless you’ve been posting for a long time or you have an established brand with a large following, it can be almost impossible for a new business to gain traction on social media.

You’ll have to compete with other businesses that have bigger budgets, more experience, and more followers than you do.

Limited Control

When you post content on social media, you’re at the mercy of the platform. As we’ve seen, social media algorithms can be unpredictable and change frequently.

Furthermore you don’t own the attention of your followers. Your account could get banned or your content may suddenly stop getting seen by people, and there’s little you can do about it.

Lacks Personal Touch

Posting on social media can make your business feel impersonal. Your content will be competing with an endless stream of other posts, and it can be challenging to make a genuine connection with potential clients.

Customers want to feel heard and understood, and that’s difficult to achieve with a few posts a week when you are one of many businesses promoting their services on social media.

While social media can be a useful tool for your business, it may not be the best way to get clients. If you do use social media as your only marketing strategy, you must have the right messaging to attract the right audience.

There are other more effective options that you should consider adding to your arsenal of tools to promote your business including hosting a virtual event.

Challenges, webinars and summits are other examples that provide you with more control, a greater personal touch, and more qualified leads.

While it may be tempting to pour all of your time and efforts into marketing your business on social media, it’s essential to consider where your resources will be best spent to grow your business.

If you’d like information about how to create a transformational virtual event, click HERE.

Kelly Thompson

Kelly Thompson is a messaging and visibility coach who helps female coaches & consultants master their message, generate leads and make money by selling high value offers without being chained to social media.  She is a wife, mother of 4 and 13 year homeschool mom, author, speaker and host of the Genius In You podcast.  If you'd like to learn how to get more clients, have more impact and make more money using virtual events, sign up for the free training at